
Business Plan Templates

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Business Owl General Business Plan Template

1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Include everything that you would cover in a five-minute interview. Explain the fundamentals of the proposed business:  What will your product be? Who will your customers be? Who are the owners? What do you think the future... Read More >

Magazine Business Plan – Wheels Alive

So you want to be a magazine publisher? If your dream of owning a magazine is to succeed, you need a good magazine business plan. Business Owl’s got just what you need to get started – a free magazine business plan template. DISCLAIMER: Names of... Read More >

Internet Cafe Business Plan – Big Surf

So you want to open an internet café? For a fee, internet cafés provide public access to the internet, and are used by those who don’t have access to the internet at home or holidaymakers and travellers. If your dream of owning an internet café... Read More >

Free Restaurant Business Plan – Gourmet Dan

Are you wanting to open a restaurant? The restaurant business is one of the hardest to be in, with 60% of restaurants failing in the first three years, says research done by Cornell University and Michigan State University. Maximise your chance of... Read More >

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