Pie Charts are useful to show visually how your different products are performing in relation to one another. Here’s how to create a pie chart in Microsoft Excel 2003…

1. Open Excel

2. Create your data – for example, Porky Pie’s Pie Shop wants to show the quantities sold of their different pies over the last month. Two columns are created – one detailing Pie Type, and one detailing the Number of Pies sold (Sales).

How to create a pie chart in Excel

3. Click on Insert > Chart, on the main toolbar > A Chart Wizard dialogue box pops up

How to create a pie chart in Excel

4. Under the Standard Types tab, select Pie Chart > Then, select a sub-type
5. Select the data range by clicking and dragging over the relevant cells on your excel document > Click Next
6. Give your pie chart a title > Click Next
7. Select the location of your pie chart, i.e. whether you would like to insert the pie chart in your current worksheet, or in another worksheet > Click Finish

8. Your pie chart is created!

How to create a pie chart in Excel