It’s a tough job market out there these days – so many job seekers chasing too few positions. Standing out from a mass of faceless applicants is the key to securing the job. But how? Here’s where an innovative business idea called JobOn is lending a helping hand…

What is JobOn?

JobOn is a website which allows job seekers to search for available positions in their areas and apply for them by sending traditional CVs and by sending recruiters video résumés.

How does JobOn work?

First, you register a profile on the JobOn website, with name, email and other details. Browse through JobOn’s extensive list of frequently asked interview questions and choose which to answer (as many as you like). Using your computer’s webcam, record your responses (don’t worry about fluffing your lines – you can simply do another take).

Then, search for job listings in your area. Find ones you think are interesting and send in your video résumé. Then wait for the job offers to roll in…

This smart business idea generates revenue from fees charged to employers for listing their vacancies. Job seekers, though, get to us JobOn for free.

JobOn Business Idea
Image courtesy of JobOn