Business Articles...

Entrepreneur Skills | Sales & Marketing

Creating a slogan for your business in five easy steps

A slogan is a short, catchy phrase, which defines your brand, emphasises its brand positiong, and is used to promote brand recall in your target market. In short, it’s a catchy way to enhance your brand image. Slogans aren’t just for big brand... Read More >

7 Interesting Facts about Advertising

Did you know that 87 percent of South Africans watch TV? That’s according to a six-month report conducted recently by the South African Advertising Research Foundation (SAARF). Good news for businesses which advertise on television, because it... Read More >

Six Effective Networking Tips

How to network and help your business grow Networking is one of the most targeted and cost-effective ways of marketing your company, making useful contacts and generating sales leads. Think about it: No expensive hit-or-miss ad campaigns; no... Read More >

Press Release Template

Securing publicity in the media is a challenge, but increase your chances of getting your message published or broadcast by setting out your press release in the correct format… Here, you need to instruct the editor when the story you’re... Read More >

Six Components of a Successful Marketing Strategy

Circa 1984, baby food manufacturer Gerber decided to branch out their products to areas such as France and Africa. To Gerber’s surprise, sales were dismal due to unfavourable reception by consumers. What was causing this negative response?... Read More >

What to Look for When Hiring Promoters

Effective promoters require a special set of skills Apart from the product, the key element in the success of a promotion is the promoters themselves. Every weekend, across South Africa, you can see unenthusiastic and ill-equipped promoters standing... Read More >

How Not to Design a Business Card

Your business card should achieve one main objective – serve as an easily accessible and clear reminder of you and your business. The limited surface area of a business card means that maximising the impact of the few graphic and textual elements... Read More >

The Pros and Cons of Direct Mail

If you’re considering a Direct Mail marketing campaign, but would like to know a little bit more about the why’s and the wherefores,  before you dip your toe in the waters, then this handy list of pros and cons could help you make up your... Read More >

What is Branding?

If you’re unsure of the concept of branding and frequently ask yourself, ‘What is a brand? – don’t despair! A great many businesspeople still have difficulty in coming to grips with branding too! Some equate branding with advertising, public... Read More >

Effective Advertising Techniques for Small Business

Your small business may not have the cash to commission an award-winning ad agency to develop an advertising campaign, but that doesn’t mean you can’t roll out creative adverts which will produce effective results. First, know your target market... Read More >

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