Business Articles...

Entrepreneur Skills | Sales & Marketing

South Africa’s Top Five Most Valuable Brands

The news that massive multinational brand Walmart is poised to enter the South African marketplace is big news. Other global brands with a South African presence – like Coca Cola and KFC – have had to adopt a local flavour to be successful here.... Read More >

How to Write a Killer Press Release

Did you know that one of the best ways to promote your business, and inform people about your products and services, is through media coverage? While impressing an editor and securing column inches in the paper, or a mention on the radio, is... Read More >

Tight Budget? Try these 9 Free and Effective Marketing Ideas

Creating awareness of your product or service – that is, marketing your business– is your first step towards business success. And with competition fierce and consumer spending down, an effective marketing strategy is crucial to your... Read More >

Seven Branding Tips for your Small Business

Everything an organization does or doesn’t do, says or doesn’t say, takes note of or ignores, becomes part of its brand. And while companies go to great lengths to develop a positive brand image, it’s also possible to have a neutral brand... Read More >

How to Generate Free Publicity for your Business

Do you need to promote your business, but don’t have the marketing communications budget to sustain an advertising campaign? Generating publicity – or public exposure – in the media is a highly effective way of getting more people acquainted... Read More >

What is Direct Mail?

Direct mail is one of the most-well used marketing techniques for small businesses. But what is direct mail, exactly? Direct Mail is any communication sent directly to a consumer or potential consumer with the intention of selling them a product or... Read More >

Top Five Advertising Platforms in South Africa

As a business owner, you already know that advertising is one factor of the equation necessary to growing your revenue and client base. But do you know which five advertising platforms are likely to give you the best return-on-investment for your... Read More >

7 Foolproof Sales Tips

Sales Tips and Techniques to Boost your Career When economic times are hard, only the best salespeople survive and thrive. Use these sales tips to give yourself an advantage. 1.) Be Polite and Likeable Don’t think the best salespeople are loud,... Read More >

101 Low-Cost Marketing Ideas for Entrepreneurs

Small businesses or companies on a tight budget cannot afford to pour money into huge advertising campaigns for television and radio, but they are still trying to win their share of the market with methods that do not demand a bulging bank account... Read More >

How to Create a Highly Successful Sales Force

Build a winning sales team that’s the envy of the industry Top sales teams don’t just ‘happen’, they’re the result of careful planning, training and motivation on the part of management. Use these strategies to build a highly successful... Read More >

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